I didn't stay home much and traveled a lot so I didn't have to be by myself....I went with to Florida with my mom for a conference about college sports dietitians and got to stay in Pensacola on the beach.....barely escaped the oily beach thankfully! We got to go to the Naval Air Museum and see the Blue Angels practice....makes you proud to be an American for sure, it was so cool! We also got to drive down the Gulf Breeze National Sea Shore which was beautiful, with blue water on each side and white sandy beaches....we ate some pretty amazing sea food too (and the best key lime pie EVER)!
e traveled back to San Antonio for my cousin Nathan's wedding, then I finally came home for a little while, started summer school (no worries, it was online so my traveling continues)...I got to reunite with some of my good friends from college who were in my Pi Phi pledge class in Dallas and celebrated one of their birthdays and then went to the lake for Memorial Day. Crazy Wedding summer continued with Tripp and Dani's wedding in San Marcos, which I got to ride with my mother and father in law to. We had fun hiking around some beautiful land in Beorne and also got to run to the Outlet Mall :) oh darn right! Since my class was online, and I needed to study for my RD exam, I hung out in Midland for the week and swam a ton with my little nieces and nephews....a blast for sure....they are all little fish! And, I got to meet our new nephew Dawson....Also, our dog Champ is hilarious when he gets together with Tim and Terri's dog Coach....they are only 2 weeks apart and love to play and wrestle (also known as Champ domination). Champ outweighs Coach and so the battle is a little unfair, but they are buds. It was a great time getting to hang out in Midland!
The next weekend, Hilary had invited me to go with her to to my first BoBash (a friend from college's birthday party at the river in Ingram)....check out the video on Facebook....we had a lot of fun!
Unfortunately, the day we got back, I was running a 101 degree fever and my RD exam was scheduled for the next day....and there is a 48 hours cancellation policy, so I had to tough it out and make it from Midland to Amarillo and take my exam anyway....I made a Dr. pit stop and found out that both my ears and throat were infected...yuck! BUT........drum roll please...........I AM AN OFFICIAL REGISTERED DIETITIAN (RD), I PASSED MY EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a huge burden lifted off my shoulder.....sigh of relief!!
After that, I went home to Farwell to chill and hang out with my mom, dad, and brother, Curt. I went to bootcamp workout, cooked, walked Champ and my parent's dog Nanna (the grouchy old woman), and Kotter (the most energetic dog you will ever meet), went to the movies, and laid out at the pool, and watched the basketball championship....very relaxing and fun time with my fam!
FINALLY....Wally came home!!! We were so glad to see each other....hopefully we'll never have to spend 5 weeks apart again, it was terrible! He wanted to show his teamates and everybody his beard, so I let him keep it for a couple of days, but after that, told him it had to go....He had some separation anxiety, but after a hilarious step by step "going, going, gone" shave, where the beard went to a go-T to a "moles-stache...(molester mustache)" to the Hitler stache, to all gone... and the old Wally was back.
Anyway, sorry for the super long post....hope you enjoyed it and enjoy these pics of all the random things I mentioned above.....hope you are all doing well!!
Love, Micah
With Jenna, Catherine, and Anna in Dallas
Coach and Champ exhausted and then playing tug-of-war
Champ and my friends Lianna's Labradoodle and then the next door neighbor lab
The new nephew, Dawson, and Joe, Addie, and Annalee

Mom and I in Pensacola, FL with the Blue Angels and then some great seafood
Mom and I in Pensacola, FL with the Blue Angels and then some great seafood