So, we're nearing the end of school, with only a couple of finals left....and couldn't be more excited and ready! I wrapped up my dietetic internship FINALLY (the supervised experience you have to do to be eligible to sit for the exam and be a registered dietitian "RD") all I have to do is study my booty off and pass my RD exam (everyone can start praying now haha)...and then a final in the two classes I'm taking, sports nutrition and skeletal muscle physiology....Wally has finals in Greek, Organic Chem, & Petrography....but next Monday we will be free, free at last!! Then we will be going our seperate ways for a month, starting the middle of May :( boo! (Needless to say we are not looking forward to this)... Wally will be in Las Vegas, NM with UTA on his field camp trip (Rock camp :), not too exciting but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do right? ...I am going to a sports dietitian conference in Florida and to my cousins wedding....then summer school (yuck!)
Details for the pictures below...Wally (if anybody knows him, this award TOTALLY fits) received the "Red Raider Congeniality" Award at the TECHspys (Texas Tech Athletic Awards Banquet) last night, an award for the most likeable, all around person/athlete at Tech. These awards are voted on by all the athletes from every sports, both men and women, at Tech, so needless to say, I was pretty darn proud of my awesome hubby (I guess everyone else thinks so too lol ;).
We have also been lovin our sweet puppy CHAMP!!! We went to the first vet visit, and he apparently is a giant....he was over 22 pounds at 9 weeks! He cracks us up, but he is really smart too, and catching on to things were teaching him pretty quickly....potty training, sit, walking on a leash, and all that fun stuff. He is super friendly, and he loves meeting new people and doggy friends too! Come visit if you haven't met him yet, you will fall in love (yes he is that cute :)!!!
All dressed up for the TECHspy awards

Wally going on stage at the TECHspys to get his award

Wally's best friend Rob, and yes he is pretty much just part of our family!

Champs favorite chew toy, a small look alike lol!

Cuddleing with Wally (they are both grumpy when they wake up)